When to Full/Quick Rebuild
Action Build Type
Edit Planet Metadata Quick Rebuild
Change Template Full Rebuild
Edit Template Settings Quick Rebuild
Change Podcast Settings Quick Rebuild
  • Build type should be an enum
  • Initiate building based on type determined from actions
Plan for Next Quality Update
  • Improved API server and mobile client
  • Simple HTML forms for testing the new API implementation
  • Start page for local IPFS gateway:
  • How about one more smart feed: Aggregated?
  • Show the total number for smart feeds: Today, Unread, Starred
  • Aggregation timer behavior in
  • Aggregation: do not sort
  • CMD+D should support pasting images
  • CMD+D input background color fix
  • Pinned post support for Sepia template?
  • Caching for CSS/JSS is too long
  • Dark mode support for Sepia template?
  • Parse URLs when following
  • It seems there is a conflict when updating the navigation title: total item count vs site IPNS
  • Jump from Today smart feed to following Planet